Data Import and Export
- Direct readers for most EEG and MEG data file formats
- Import of user-defined file formats using generic reader
- Data import / export to ASCII and binary formats, e.g. MATLAB
Data Processing
- Superior digital filtering: high, low, and narrow band pass, notch
- Interpolation from recorded to virtual and source channels
- Automated EOG and EKG artifact detection and correction
- Advanced user defined instantaneous artifact correction
- Pattern detection and averaging by spatio-temporal correlation
- Linear and non-linear correlation between scalp and source channels
- Spectral analysis: FFT, DSA, power and phase mapping
Data Review
- Easy and fast review of digital EEG and MEG data files
- Fast paging, tagging and selected viewing of epochs of interest
- DSA and event displays for quick jump to relevant pages
- Additional selected and virtual artifact channels (EOG etc.)
- Pattern detection and averaging by spatio-temporal correlation
- Linear and non-linear correlation between scalp and source channels
- Spectral analysis: FFT, DSA, power and phase mapping
Handling of paradigms, events, and conditions
- Scripted paradigms for fast definition of triggers, conditions, epochs, filter settings etc.
- Import, export, and editing of event lists, triggers, and paradigms
- Design of complex conditions by logical expressions
- Creation of triggers from recorded signals, e.g. rectified EMG
Batch scripts for automated processing
- Fast and automated analysis of group studies using batch scripts
- Script functions for paradigm import
- Automated artifact scan with 2D graphical rejection tool
- Batch guided averaging within and across subjects
- User-defined combination of conditions (e.g. difference, average)
- Automated ERP peak detection and latency / apmlitude output
- Spatial and temporal data interpolation
- Batch commands for most source analysis functions
ERP Displays and Tools
- Topographic display and 3D whole-head mapping of averaged waveforms
- User definable layout with postscript export
- Overplot of multiple conditions
- Display of additional channels (polygraphic,intracranial, source, EEG, MEG)
- Event related (de)synchronisation: Display of ERD/ERS waveforms
Source Localization
- Highly interactive graphical user interface for fast hypothesis testing
- Spatio-temporal multiple dipole and regional source modeling
- Image-weighted source fitting
- Tomographic source sensitivity display
- Automated multiple source probe scan (MSPS) for model validation
- (MSPS) for model validation
- Automated source fitting: RAP-MUSIC, Genetic algorithm
- PCA analysis with generation of spatial source components
- Realistic standardized FEM and multi-shell ellipsoidal head models
Source imaging
- 3D imaging of oscillatory activity using the multiple source beamformer (MSBF)
- Distributed volume images: LORETA, sLORETA, swLORETA, LAURA, SSLOFO
- Iterative and user-defined 3D imaging
- Minimum norm images based on the individual brain surface
- 3D movie of maps and dipoles using source waveforms
- Source activity projected onto standardized or individual MRI
Source import and export
- Direct transfer of source models between subjects and conditions
- Export of source models and source waveforms in ASCII
- Creation of source montages
- Coordinate systems: Talairach / Head / Device / Unit Sphere
- Batch commands for many source analysis functions
Time-frequency Analysis
- Time-frequency diagrams based on surface or source channels
- Display of absolute power or spectral amplitude
- Display of event-related spectral perturbation (ERD / ERS) in percent
- Temporal-spectral information optimized by complex demodulation
- Variable setting of time-frequency resolution
- Separation of evoked and induced activity by subtraction of the averaged evoked activity from single trials
- Direct comparison of two conditions
- 3D Imaging of oscillatory activity using the BESA Mulitple Source Beamformer (MSBF)
Source coherence
- Oscillatory coupling between brain regions analyzed directly in brain source space using source montages
- Calculation of cross-spectral matrices between any combination of source (and / or surface) channel
- Event-related coherence displayed in time-frequency space
- Coherence analysis based on power and phase locking
- Computation and display of phase delay and latency difference between channels
Statistical analysis
- Statistical probability maps based on resampling of the single trial data
- Statistics available for all time-frequency displays (absolute amplitude, TSE, coherence, comparison of conditions)
- Export of displayed data for offline statistics across subjects (e.g. in MATLAB)
System Requirements
- Pentium, 800 MHz or higher, 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM with source coherence)
- Windows® 2000 or XP (Vista not supported yet)
- Graphics card supporting OpenGL 1.1 with 16 MB RAM or more
BESA has CE Certification