Measuring light and managing colour

The course provides a practical introduction to measuring light, reviews a variety of measuring instruments (for example: photometers, colorimeters and spectroradiometers), discusses the difference between colorimetric and physiologically defined colour spaces, and presents examples of different classes of coloured stimuli. During the course we will consider the different colour representations used to communicate colour, among which the CIE system of colorimetry (the CIE xy and u'v' chromaticity diagrams) and the more physiologically relevant colour spaces (the cone-excitation and cone-contrast spaces, the MacLeod and Boynton chromaticity diagram, and the Derrington-Krauskopf-Lennie colour space) will be discussed. We will explain how to transform colour coordinates into RGB space so that coloured stimuli can be displayed on a characterised computer display. Additionally, we will consider the phenomenon of colour mixture and the importance of metameric lights for generating colour stimuli. Finally, we will demonstrate how to display cone-isolating stimuli, and natural images captured by hyperspectral imaging systems.

Benefits: Attendees will be able to:

  • Understand how to measure light
  • Use colorimetric, photometric, and radiometric tools to characterize and control light
  • Learn how to communicate colour appropriately
  • Generate coloured stimuli in different colour spaces
  • Display various types of coloured stimuli

Intended audience: Those who wish to understand the physical and perceptual properties of light. Those interested in generating and presenting coloured stimuli on computer-controlled displays.

Course availability: Please email to find out when this course will be presented next.