Information Display Measurements Standard

The course provides a theoretical and practical introduction to the Society for Information Display Information Display Measurements Standard (IMDS) and its application for vision research. A PDF version of the standard is available for free to download from the ICDM website. A printed version of the standard can be ordered from the SID website.

The theoretical session includes an introduction to the complete IDMS, followed by an in-depth discussion of the fundamental measurements that vision scientists should consider making in their own laboratories. The measurements discussed will include:

  • Spatial Uniformity: characterisation of the change in luminance or colour of the surface of a screen, including measurements of non-uniformity due to viewing angle.
  • Temporal Response: changes in the light output over short and long periods of time, i.e. for brief periods such as pixel response and flicker, or longer periods such as persistence and warm up time.
  • Motion Artifacts: measurements of motion blur caused by the persistence of an image for a significant fraction of a frame or longer, with the consequence of a perceived smear.
  • 3D Displays: methods and procedures for the characterisation of the display performance. Particular emphasis will be given to stereoscopic displays that require passive and active glasses.

The practical session will show attendees how to apply aspects of the IDMS by making measurements of their own laptop screen using a new free software Toolbox for MATLAB and instrumentation provided by CRS. The practical session will require attendees to bring a laptop with MATLAB and the latest release of the Psychophysics Toolbox installed (Psychtoolbox-3).

Benefits: Attendees will be able to:

  • Understand how light is emitted, transmitted or projected by display devices
  • Use appropriate methods and procedures to characterise the spatial and temporal properties of displays
  • Develop techniques to overcome artifacts inherent in current display technology

Intended audience: Those who wish to learn the necessary measurements needed to present accurate stimuli, and the appropriate methods and procedures required to take those measurements.

Course availability: Please email to find out when this course will be presented next.